How the Scholarship Fund helped Tom get the counselling he needed
Thursday, 31st May 2018After his father died and his mother was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, Tom took on the role of key family carer, often missing school and falling behind with classwork. Tom developed anxiety and depression and dropped out of school for a period of time.
The MHS Wellbeing department continued to support him and he eventually agreed to undertake counselling with external professionals. He was awarded an MHS Student Carer Scholarship which enabled him to meet the costs of counselling and also helped fund driving lessons, enabling him to take his mother to appointments.
With financial assistance and strong support from his Student Learning Coordinator, class teachers and the Wellbeing department, Tom was able to complete a modified academic load and returned to school to successfully complete his VCE.
He is currently hoping to study arts/media at Swinburne or Latrobe University. Tom credits his VCE success to all this support and he is determined to continue to improve his and his mother’s situation.
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