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The Tattam Wallis Band shines
Jodie Gunton
June 25, 2023
The Tattam-Wallis Band has served the School as its flagship musical ensemble for nearly a century. As a student-led initiative, the Band receives no annual funding. Many of the musical instruments, equipment and uniforms are decades old. Through the many years of practices, rehearsals and performances, much of the equipment was in disrepair.
In 2022, the Foundation provided $11,256 funding to upgrade equipment ...
Featured Posts

CHES is officially open
Jodie Gunton
November 1, 2022
On Tuesday 18th October, the Minister for Education, Natalie Hutchins, officially opened the Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES). This new centre of excellence is designed to further improve educational outcomes for high-achieving and high-ability students.
The centre will be opening in the first term of 2023 and offers accelerated programs for senior students from government secondary schools.
This project was made possible through the MHS Foundation ...