The state’s brightest students get a head start on university.
Tuesday, 21st June 2022Last week MHS celebrated a milestone at the Centre for Higher Education Studies. The Minister for Education, The Hon. James Merlino and Ms Nina Taylor MLC, Member for Southern Metropolitan, popped on a high vis vest and a hard hat to inspect the progress at 669 Chapel St. The tour was designed to publicly launch enrolments for the new centre.
On this wintery Melbourne day, the Minister was joined by Dr Tony Mordini, MHS Principal and members of the MHS Foundation Board. MHS students Nathan More, Jarrod Menezes and Vicente Morillo Morales were also in attendance with Morales providing a stellar address to the assembled media and guests. He explained how extension opportunities in higher education studies will help students like himself realise their full potential.
The event provided an opportunity to hear from both the Minister and the project architect, about the vision for the building which includes university standard science labs, recording studios, flexible learning spaces and a 200 seat amphitheatre.
Channel 7 News were also on-site to capture all the action. Click here to watch the coverage.
CHES will offer high-achieving and highly-abled secondary school students across Victoria, first-year university courses and select VCE subjects, contributing to their ATAR, whilst gaining university credits.
“Think of this place as a bridge between secondary school and university.
Whether it’s Health and human movement, Biology, Philosophy – you name it. There will be opportunity here.”
Minister for Education, James Merlino
The Centre was only made possible by generous donors to the MHS Foundation who helped purchase the land. This huge contribution was recognised by the Minister in his speech.
The higher education hub, worth 27.5 million, is the first of its kind in Victoria. It can host 325 students at one time. Hundreds more will be able to enrol online.
Students will remain enrolled at their secondary school and CHES studies can be taken as part of their VCE program. To expand access, and to support rural and regional students, CHES programs will be offered through virtual platforms as well as on-site.

Outside of CHES programming hours, the facility will be available for use by the MHS community for classes and other events, making it an incredibly flexible resource for MHS.
The first intake will be in January 2023. Applications for VCE subjects at CHES are now open on the CHES website. Applications for Higher Education Studies through CHES will open on Monday 11 July.
Want to help support the upgrade and development of new facilities at MHS? Consider a tax-deductible donation to the Building Fund today. Click here to find out more.